Category Archives: Economic Stability and Jobs

BREAKING: RITA responds to Obama Announcement on DREAMer deportations

(EL PASO, Texas) — The White House announced today that the administration will provide Deferred Action for some undocumented youth.

The Reform Immigration for Texas Alliance congratulates the undocumented youth whose leadership and bold action forced this announcement. DREAMers have been occupying Obama campaign offices for weeks demanding action. And today, the White House had no choice but to respond. Continue reading


June 15, 2012

WASHINGTON— Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano today announced that effective immediately, certain young people who were brought to the United States as young children, do not present a risk to national security or public safety, and meet several key criteria will be considered for relief from removal from the country or from entering into removal proceedings. Those who demonstrate that they meet the criteria will be eligible to receive deferred action for a period of two years, subject to renewal, and will be eligible to apply for work authorization. Continue reading

Texas Border Coalition reports on “America’s Border Security Blunders”

The Texas Border Coalition has released a study asserting that the US government’s border security policy is failing. Titled “Without Strategy: America’s Border Security Blunders Facilitate and Empower Mexico’s Drug Cartels,” the TBC unveiled the report in a press conference call Friday.

The Rio Grande Guardian reports, “TBC asserts that the U.S. government has spent nearly $90 billion over the past decade to secure the Southwest border, with no better than mixed results. It says that while apprehension rates are up to 90 percent for undocumented persons seeking to cross the frontier between designated U.S.-Mexico border crossings, Mexican drug cartels continue to enjoy commercial success, smuggling more drugs than ever into the country through the nation’s legal border crossings. Read TBC’s statement on the Guardian’s website.

The TBC’s report is not surprising and more evidence of what we have known all along. “Border Security,” motivated by political interests, does not improve security of the border communities, on either side of the border. Instead of increasing drug and weapon smuggling and human trafficking-related law enforcement efforts—the cartels’ main industries—US Customs and Border Protection has increased prosecution of non-violent border crossers, laborers in search of a means to provide for their families but denied legal means of migrating to this country. This is policy motivated by anti-immigrant politicians taking advantage of anti-immigrant sentiment.

The impact of Operation Streamline on law enforcement shows how devoting increased resources toward prosecuting non-violent border crossers has actually taken away resources from operations focused on drug and weapons smuggling and human trafficking. While the Border Patrol and Justice Department focus more resources prosecuting poor workers, serious criminals involved in organized crime are neglected.

At the same time, the militarization of the US-Mexico border has increased human rights abuses, decreasing the security of communities all along the border. Families are separated, with children ending up in the custody of relatives and increasingly of state-run foster care programs. High speed chases through densely populated neighborhoods put bystanders at danger, while lack of community oversight of Border Patrol agents allows abuse of power to persist, often resulting in physical violence against non-violent crossers and residents along the border.

While the TBC’s findings emphasize the problem, their proposed solution does not get at the root of it. Organized crime will continue to grow while the economic conditions in which organized crime flourishes persist. Failed economic policy like the North American Free Trade Agreement have put Mexican workers out of a job and pushed peasant farmers off their land. Organized crime flourishes in such dire economic conditions. Until those policies are ended and Mexico’s economy is rebuilt from the ground up, no amount of border enforcement will put a dent in their operations.

This is a further reminder that we have a major need for immigration reform. We on the border understand the intimate connection between families and communities on both sides of the border, and that increased border enforcement spending strains those relationships. Comprehensive immigration reform needs to be passed that recognizes the need for increased access to legal immigration and that does not focus on criminalizing the members of our families and communities crossing the border.

Until that happens, and until the Mexican economy is rebuilt, instead of increased spending on enforcement efforts targeting non-violent border crossers, funds should be redirected toward fighting drug smuggling and human trafficking.

While recognizing the failure of recent border enforcement policy, TBC does not recognize the complexity of the problem or the solution. TBC’s policy recommendations will not fix the problem, but rather serve as a band aid solution on a wound that runs deep.

Perry’s “Texas Miracle” – Baloney

A quick post to share this great video. Holding up a huge log of bologna, Rachel Maddow debunks the myth about Rick Perry’s Texas miracle.

Perry supporters are selling his horrible record as Governor–one that has slowed economic recovery, decreased our access to health care, and maintained our low wages–as evidence that he’d be a great presidential candidate.

What do you think?

Thanks to for sharing the video.

LUPE’s organizing against wage theft getting stronger

Worker learning his rights

“Although we’re undocumented, we have rights.”

Rosario Contreras has dedicated herself to educating those around her about the rights that all immigrants have, whether documented or not. For that reason she is being trained to advocate for workers’ whose wages have been stolen.

“They abuse us because we don’t have documents. They don’t pay us the minimum wage and many of us aren’t paid at all.”

LUPE member Rosario Contreras helps lead training

At the training, organized by South Texas Civil Rights Project and LUPE, members learned that, although you might not have documents, you still have the right to organize, the right to be paid for your work, and the right to the minimum wage.

“The training was about the rights that we have, as people without documents, and how we can defend ourselves from bosses that want to abuse us,” Rosario said.

Organizer Cris Rocha trains LUPE leaders on worker rights

STCRP and LUPE are training leaders that can advocate for the rights of their fellow members and therefore better tackle the rampant problem of wage theft in the Valley. STCRP and LUPE are part of Fuerza del Valle, a new workers’ center dedicated to organizing for workers’ rights in the Rio Grande Valley.

They Get the Tax Breaks, We Get the Bill

Union workers protest the tax-payer funded bailout of Bank of America

Union workers protest the tax-payer funded bailout of Bank of America

I pay my taxes. I bet you do, too.

But a lot of big, profitable companies pay little or nothing at all. GE is a good example—the company paid no taxes last year, despite $14.2 billion in profits.

While hard-working Americans scrimp and save to pay their taxes, wealthy corporations and Wall Street banks are able to take advantage of billions in tax breaks, loopholes and handouts.

And then politicians on Capitol Hill and in the states have the nerve to tell us our country can’t afford Social Security or Medicare or education or investments in jobs.

The AFL-CIO and have a better idea: Let’s make them pay.

This Tax Day, April 18, the AFL-CIO and are organizing hundreds of Tax Day: Make Them Pay events to call on US lawmakers to cut corporate tax breaks, not social spending. RSVP for an event near you.
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